The page number should remain at the right.ħ. Press the Tab key twice to move the text to the left. Place the cursor right in front of the page number in your header and type the ALL CAPS text of your running head:Ħ. The page number should now appear in the right corner of the header.ĥ.
Choose Plain Number 3 from the list of options: In the Insert menu, select Page Number, then Top of Page:Ĥ. The instructions need to be done in the order shown in order for the formatting to work, but if your document still isn't cooperating after trying the steps, please consult your favourite Word expert or contact Microsoft for assistance:ģ. If you're not sure which edition you should be using in your writing, please check with your program office. Please note that as of the 7th edition of the APA Style manual, which was published in 2019, running heads are no longer a required element in student papers unless the formatting is requested by instructors. To set up your running head and page number in Microsoft Word so they appear on the same line (and the first page is different), try the following steps.